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Is the Cannabis Industry Leaving Behind the LGBTQ Community?

Is the Cannabis Industry Leaving Behind the LGBTQ Community?

By Dalton Rosario

“I had to make a decision on whether I would be my 100% true and authentic self, or if I would "tone down" my image/persona to try and fit into people's idea of what a cannabis entrepreneur should look or act like.”
Josh Crossney, CEO of the Cannabis Science Conference


Long Story Short. National cannabis legalization is historically rooted with the LGBTQ community’s fight for acceptance since the early 80’s, so why do industry insiders feel the cannabis market is leaving behind some of their founding members?


Gimme the Juice! The cannabis industry overlooks LGBTQ representation despite acceptance of marijuana use and legalization having direct parallels to the cultural shift of mainstream acceptance for the LGBTQ community; including legislative implementation of the same liberties and rights we all enjoy.


So What’s the Bottom Line? Similarly to how the national conversation of cannabis restitutions revolve around lower socio-economic neighborhoods and communities of color having equal inclusion in the economic opportunities to be gained in the emerging cannabis market; this narrative must also include representation from the LGBTQ community which has fought alongside pro-cannabis legalization from the very beginning.   


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